Captivate your audience with interactive popup cards through the following:
Featured popups
Flash Sales popups
Auction popups
Creating popup cards
Create popup cards through seller dashboard by navigating to Live Studio, select Popup Banner tab and click on the Plus Icon.
Choose a banner type you would like to create.
Featured Popups
Featured Popups
Featured popup displays a product card you are currently promoting to increase awareness and checkout rate.
Popup cards are not automatically displayed in showcase for live exclusivity.
We recommend creating the same set of products you have added in Showcase so your audience can keep track of what is being promoted.
Select multiple products by searching or selecting from the dropdown menu and click Add.
Featured products will be displayed in the Popup banner with a "Featured" label tag
Flash Sales Popups
Flash Sales Popups
Sales Popup card allows you to drop discounted products based on limited time or stock to entice impulsive purchase.
One-time discounted products can only be purchased through the popup.
The sales will automatically end either when the time limit has lapsed or the product is Out of Stock.
During limited time sales, buyers have to checkout within the time limit to secure the discounted product.
Each created sales by default will reserve the Max stock from your product's total inventory. An Out of Stock scenario will be based on the reserved stock.
Select a desired product by searching or selecting from the dropdown menu and click Add.
Next, specify the Sales Price for each variation, if any.
Add a time limit between 3 - 30 mins. This is the duration of the flash sales.
Finally click Add.
Flash Sales products will be displayed in the Popup banner with a "Flash Sales" label tag.
Auction Popups
Auction Popups
Auction Popup card allows you to host real-time bidding sessions to increase engagement with your audience
A buyer will be required to have an active credit card attached to their registered account and a saved address in order to participate in the auction.
The top bidder will be instantly charged to protect your interests against uncommitted buyers.
Each created auction will reserve one (1) stock from your product's total inventory. Do ensure product have enough stock.
Note: If Auction was not successful, the reserved stock will be released
Select a desired product by searching or selecting from the dropdown menu and click Add.
Specify a variation, if any.
Specify a start bid price.
Note: We recommend setting the start bid close to your reserve price, avoid low start bids to prevent undesirable outcomes
Add a time limit between 30s to 5 mins. The auction event will end after the time limit.
Finally click Add.
Auction products will be displayed in the Popup banner with a "Auction" label tag.
Note: An Auction product will disappear from the Popup banner if there is a winning bid.
Display Popups
Popups can only be displayed when you are live.
Click the toggle button under Product banner tab.
The popup will be displayed accordingly.
Seller's view
Buyer's view
Note: Only one popup can be turned on at once.
Managing an auction popup
When you start an auction, the start bid will be displayed along with the time left
When bids are placed, the highest bid will be displayed
Click on Bid to view the list of bidders
During each bid, label will appear displaying the current bidder's name
When the bid ends, an animation will display the bid winner's name
Deleting popups
Click on a row to view additional popup information
To remove a popup, click on the trash bin icon
Note: Once you’re live, you will not be able to delete the popups from the mobile application.