Confirm shopping cart
Whenever an item is Out of Stock, you must remove it from your shopping cart before you can checkout.
By clicking on Checkout, you need to provide the following information:
Select saved contact information or add new address
Select a Delivery method
Select a payment method
Making payment
To avoid any potential payment errors, please refrain from refreshing or leaving the page during the payment process.
Note: Only the payment method(s) enabled by your seller will be available at checkout.
Credit / Debit Card:
Select a card or add new card
Select Confirm payment
You will be redirected to a payment confirmation page
PayNow (automated):
Select PayNow payment method
Select Confirm payment
Scan the QR code with your preferred bank/payment app
You will be redirected to a payment confirmation page
Bank Transfer
Select bank transfer payment method
Select Confirm payment
A confirmation popup will appear with payment instructions
Choose to pay now to proceed with payment (Transfer to the bank account given)
Or choose to pay later (pay later option will be made available at the order details page)
Manual PayNow:
Select manual paynow payment method
Select Confirm payment
A confirmation popup will appear with payment instructions
Choose to pay now to proceed with payment (QR code/number will be shown for manual transfer)
Or choose to pay later (pay later option will be made available at the order details page)